Comparing Top Whole Food Fruit and Veggie Supplements

Are you looking for ways to boost your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, but find it hard to get enough fresh produce in your diet? You’re not alone. A lot of people struggle to consume the recommended servings of fruits and veggies each day, especially with busy schedules and the sometimes high cost of fresh produce. Fortunately, supplements like the Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement and various other fruits and veggies capsules might be exactly what you need to fill in those nutritional gaps. Let’s chat about how these products can make a real difference in your health and well-being.

The idea of supplementing your diet with fruits and vegetables isn’t new. For years, health enthusiasts and nutritionists have advocated for whole food supplements as a convenient way to ensure you get your daily nutrients. These products are typically filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support energy levels, boost your immune system, and generally improve your overall health. Plus, they can be a lifesaver for those who are picky eaters, have dietary restrictions, or simply don’t have the time to prepare nutrient-dense meals every day. Owning a high-quality supplement can make it easier to maintain a balanced diet and support your long-term health goals.

In this article, we’ll look more closely at a few popular options for whole food nutritional supplements, including the Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement and several other fruit and veggie capsule products. We’ll compare the benefits, ingredient lists, and potential drawbacks of each, so you can make an informed choice about which supplement is the best fit for you and your family. Get ready to discover how these superfood supplements can help support a healthier, more balanced lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

Balance of Nature Nutritional Supplement with Fruits and Vegetables – 90 Capsules, 3 Packs

Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement with Superfood Fruits and Vegetables for Women, Men, and Kids - 90 Capsules, 3 Sets

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Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement with Superfood Fruits and Vegetables is primarily designed to help you easily incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Its target audience includes women, men, and kids who might struggle to meet their daily nutrient intake through conventional eating habits. The supplement aims to bridge the nutritional gap and support overall well-being.

We absolutely love Balance of Nature for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a convenient and easy way to boost your fruit and vegetable intake without much fuss. With our busy schedules, it’s not always feasible to get the required nutrients from fresh produce alone. The supplement is made from natural ingredients, featuring a plethora of superfoods, ensuring you get the best of nature.

Moreover, the fact that each package includes 90 capsules divided into three sets makes it a cost-effective solution. You don’t have to worry about constantly restocking, which is perfect for long-term use. The supplement is designed to cater to the entire family, making it a versatile addition to your daily routine.

Balance of Nature is crafted to provide a comprehensive blend of superfood fruits and vegetables. The supplement’s primary goal is to ensure you’re ingesting a variety of high-quality nutrients essential for optimal health. Here’s a quick rundown of its key features:

The capsules contain whole-food ingredients, harvested at peak ripeness. This ensures that you are getting the maximum nutrient value.

Pre-portioned into easy-to-swallow capsules, the supplement saves you the trouble of daily meal preps involving complex vegetable and fruit mixtures.

Designed for men, women, and kids, it’s a one-stop-shop for your family’s nutritional needs.

Compared to fresh produce, these capsules have a much longer shelf life, making them ideal for consistent use.

When it comes to quality, Balance of Nature doesn’t cut corners. The supplement is free from artificial additives and preservatives, aligning with a holistic and natural approach to nutrition. It undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure you are getting what you paid for. Each capsule is packed with pure, natural goodness, harvested from a wide array of superfoods.

Moreover, the company has a transparent supply chain, which adds an extra layer of reliability and trustworthiness. The effort to deliver a high-quality product is evident in its ingredient list and the consistency of the product’s effectiveness over time.

  • Convenience: The capsules offer a hassle-free way to meet your daily nutritional needs.

  • Family-Friendly: Effective for all age groups, from kids to adults.

  • Natural Ingredients: Free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives.

  • Cost-Effective: The packaging ensures you get good value for money.

  • Long Shelf Life: Ideal for consistent, long-term use.

  • Rich in Superfoods: A diverse blend of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables.

  • Bioavailability: Nutrient absorption from supplements may not match that from fresh produce.

  • Capsule Size: Some users might find the capsules hard to swallow.

  • Taste Preference: While the product is convenient, it doesn’t offer the delicious experience of consuming fresh fruits and veggies.

Ultimately, Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement stands out as a versatile and convenient choice for those looking to effortlessly enhance their daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent aiming to bolster your family’s diet, or simply someone striving for better health, this supplement can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

Balance of Nature Nutritional Supplement with Fruits and Vegetables - 90 Capsules, 3 Packs

Fruit and Vegetable Supplement – 180 Capsules – Natural Superfood with Vitamins and Minerals – Boosts Energy (3 Pack)

Fruits and Veggies Supplement - 90 Fruit and 90 Vegetable Capsules - 100% Whole Natural Superfood - Filled with Vitamins and Minerals - Supports Energy Levels (3 Pack)

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The Fruits and Veggies Supplement by Just Ripe Nutrition is perfect for those wanting to ensure they get their daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables. With 90 fruit and 90 vegetable capsules in a 3-pack, this supplement is formulated to support your overall well-being. It’s ideal for busy schedules where consuming the right amount of natural produce might be challenging. This supplement not only fills the nutritional gaps but also supports energy levels, immune function, and digestive health.

We appreciate this supplement for its high-quality ingredients and comprehensive formula designed to meet the nutritional needs of both men and women. Using a mix of 24 fruits and vegetables, it covers a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining an active lifestyle. The natural composition and pure ingredients ensure that you are not consuming any artificial additives or harsh chemicals. Moreover, this product is vegan-friendly, making it a versatile choice for various dietary lifestyles.

  • All-natural ingredients: No artificial additives or harsh chemicals
  • Vegan and pure: Suitable for a broad range of lifestyles
  • Wide range of fruits and veggies: Including Aloe Vera, Blueberry, Spinach, and Shiitake Mushroom
  • Supports energy levels and immune system: Provides powerful antioxidants
  • Gentle on digestion: Suitable for daily use

The purpose of Just Ripe Nutrition’s Fruits and Veggies Supplement is to deliver an easy and convenient way to consume essential vitamins and minerals derived from a variety of fruits and vegetables. Each capsule is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that help in promoting softer skin, maintaining energy levels, and supporting the immune system.

The inclusion of ingredients like Aloe Vera, Apple, and Banana among others, aids in providing a substantial amount of phytonutrients, which are crucial for overall health. The split between fruit-based (red supplement) and vegetable-based (green supplement) capsules ensures a balanced intake of both food groups.

The overall quality of this product is impressive due to its dedication to using only whole food ingredients. Just Ripe Nutrition maintains a robust standard by ensuring no artificial additives or chemicals are present, making the supplement a pure and natural choice. Each capsule is designed to be gentle on digestion, ensuring that it can be a part of your daily routine without causing any discomfort. The thoughtful mix of fruits and vegetables reflects a commitment to offering a balanced and comprehensive nutritional profile.

  • Natural Ingredients: Made with only fruits and vegetables, free of artificial additives.

  • Comprehensive Nutritional Support: Provides a wide range of important vitamins and minerals.

  • Antioxidant-Rich: Supports the immune system with powerful antioxidants.

  • Energy Boost: Helps maintain energy levels throughout the day.

  • Digestive Health: Gentle on the stomach, suitable for everyday use.

  • Vegan-Friendly: Complements most dietary lifestyles.

  • Capsule Form: May not be ideal for individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills.

  • Taste: Some users might prefer a flavored alternative over capsules.

  • Availability: Limited to specific retailers and might not be readily available in local stores.

  • Cost: Can be more expensive compared to standard multivitamins.

This section has provided a thorough review of the Fruits and Veggies Supplement by Just Ripe Nutrition. With its natural ingredients and holistic approach to providing essential nutrients, it stands out as a versatile and effective option for boosting your daily vitamin and mineral intake. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your overall health, support energy levels, or simply ensure you’re getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables, this supplement offers a convenient and reliable solution.

Fruit and Vegetable Supplement - 180 Capsules - Natural Superfood with Vitamins and Minerals - Boosts Energy (3 Pack)

Fruit and Veggie Supplement – 90 Fruit & 90 Vegetable Capsules – Natural Superfood with Vitamins and Minerals – Boosts Energy (5 Pack)

Fruits and Veggies Supplement - 90 Fruit and 90 Vegetable Capsules - 100% Whole Natural Superfood - Filled with Vitamins and Minerals - Supports Energy Levels (5 Pack)

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If you’re like many people today, you might struggle to get your daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables. This is where the Fruits and Veggies Supplement from Just Ripe Nutrition can become your best ally. Designed to be a convenient, all-natural solution, this supplement aims to cover the nutritional gaps in your diet. It offers a potent mix of 90 fruit and 90 vegetable capsules that promise to provide a substantial boost of vital vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. This product is particularly beneficial if you’re looking to support energy levels, maintain immune health, and promote overall well-being without having to constantly worry about your produce intake.

You know that in today’s fast-paced world, eating enough fruits and vegetables can be challenging. This is why we appreciate the thoughtfulness behind the Fruits and Veggies Supplement by Just Ripe Nutrition. What makes this product stand out is how it’s made with 100% whole, natural superfoods, completely devoid of artificial additives or harsh chemicals. This ensures you’re only putting pure, plant-powered nutrition into your body. We like that these capsules are designed to be gentle on digestion, making them suitable for daily use. Plus, they’re vegan, which means they align well with various lifestyles and dietary preferences.

The primary goal of the Fruits and Veggies Supplement is to help you achieve your daily recommended intake of essential nutrients mainly from natural sources. These capsules come packed with powerful antioxidants and are specifically formulated to:

  • Fruits: Aloe Vera, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Elderberry, Cherry, Cranberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Tomato.

  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cayenne Pepper, Celery Stalk, Garlic, Kale, Onion, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Wheat Grass.

  • Energy Support: The nutrients in these capsules help maintain and elevate your energy levels.

  • Immune Health: A blend of vitamins and minerals boosts your natural defenses.

  • Skin Health: Promotes softer, more radiant skin.

  • Digestive Friendliness: Formulated to be gentle on your digestive system, allowing for daily use.

  • Pure Ingredients: Vegan, non-GMO, and free from synthetic additives.

Each pack conveniently separates the fruit and vegetable supplements into green and red capsules, respectively, so you know exactly what you’re taking.

The overall quality of the Fruits and Veggies Supplement is impressive. You can really feel the difference in energy levels and overall well-being with regular use. These capsules use only the finest, whole, natural ingredients, ensuring you’re getting a pure and potent product. The meticulous selection of fruits and vegetables included guarantees that you’re receiving a broad spectrum of essential nutrients needed for optimal health. Their commitment to avoiding artificial additives and chemicals further adds to the product’s credibility and appeal.

  • Nutritionally Rich: Offers a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Convenient: No need to stress about grocery shopping or meal prepping.

  • Vegan and Pure: Made without any artificial additives or harsh chemicals.

  • Energy and Immune Support: Formulated to support various aspects of health, including energy levels and immune function.

  • Digestive-Friendly: Gentle on your digestion, allowing for consistent daily use.

  • Pill Form: Not everyone prefers taking supplements in capsule form.

  • Flavor: While convenient, capsules don’t offer the enjoyable flavors of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Dosage: Requires commitment to taking multiple pills daily (90 fruit and 90 veggie capsules), which might be cumbersome for some.

When life gets busy, it’s easy to fall short on your nutritional goals. The Fruits and Veggies Supplement by Just Ripe Nutrition aims to bridge that gap, offering a simple yet effective solution to enhance your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to boost your energy, bolster your immune system, or simply ensure you’re nourishing your body with pure, whole foods, this supplement is worth considering.

Fruit and Veggie Supplement - 90 Fruit  90 Vegetable Capsules - Natural Superfood with Vitamins and Minerals - Boosts Energy (5 Pack)

Nature Fruits and Veggies Vitamins Supplements – 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules (Pack of 2)

Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements Dietary Nutritional Balance 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules-(Pack of 2)

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When it comes to Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements Dietary Nutritional Balance 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules (Pack of 2), the primary use lies in supplementing your diet with essential nutrients. This concoction of over 30 all-natural fruits and vegetables sources essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support your overall health. It’s an excellent alternative for those who may struggle to include fresh produce consistently in their daily diet, offering a convenient way to enhance your dietary intake.

We adore this product for several reasons.

First, the focus on all-natural ingredients harvested from organic farms makes it a trustworthy supplement. This ensures you are not ingesting unwanted chemicals or synthetic additives that can be harmful over time.

Second, its ease of use is fantastic. The capsules are easy to swallow and won’t leave any unpleasant aftertaste, making them palatable for everyone, from kids to seniors.

Third, the product is proudly made in the USA in a GMP-certified facility, adhering to strict quality standards. This certification guarantees that what’s inside the capsule is exactly what you’ll read on the label.

Finally, the manufacturer’s 30-day satisfaction guarantee is a reassuring gesture that the company stands by its product quality. If you aren’t satisfied, you’re encouraged to reach out, and they’ll make it right.

The Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements Dietary Nutritional Balance capsules are designed to enhance your overall health and wellness by filling in those nutritional gaps that are sometimes missed in a regular diet.

  • All-Natural Ingredients: Made from more than 30 organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Rich in Essential Nutrients: Contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • GMP Certified: Manufactured in the USA in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring high-quality standards.
  • Easy to Swallow: Suitable for both kids and seniors, with no harsh aftertaste.
  • Supports Immune System and Sleep: Nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and tryptophan help support a healthy immune system and promote relaxation.
  • Free From Additives: No added sugars, fillers, preservatives, or synthetics.

Evaluating the overall quality, the Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements stand out for their meticulousness in sourcing and manufacturing. The commitment to all-natural, organic ingredients ensures that you get the best nature has to offer. Coupled with the stringent production standards of a GMP-certified facility, this product promises not only effectiveness but also safety. The genius behind it—one of the top nutritionists in the United States—adds a layer of credibility and expertise to its formulation.

  • All-Natural: No added chemicals or synthetic ingredients.

  • Supports Comprehensive Health: From boosting the immune system to improving sleep.

  • Quality Manufacturing: Made in the USA in a GMP-certified facility.

  • User-Friendly: Easy to swallow capsules with no aftertaste.

  • Versatile: Suitable for all age groups.

  • Capsule Form: Some people might prefer chewables or gummies.

  • Price: Organic and all-natural ingredients can make the product pricier compared to synthetic alternatives.

  • Availability: May not be as widely available in local stores, making purchase primarily an online activity.

Incorporating the Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements Dietary Nutritional Balance 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules (Pack of 2) into your daily routine can provide measurable health benefits, making it a worthy consideration for those keen on improving their dietary balance conveniently and naturally.

Nature Fruits and Veggies Vitamins Supplements - 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules (Pack of 2)

Comparison of Fruits and Veggies Supplements

If you’re on a quest for the perfect fruits and veggies supplement, you’ve likely come across several options. Here, we’ll compare four popular products to help you make an informed choice. All four contenders promise to help you get your daily recommended fruits and vegetables, but each has unique attributes worth noting.


Let’s dive into the specifics:

We have four products:

  1. Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement with Superfood Fruits and Vegetables for Women, Men, and Kids – 90 Capsules, 3 Sets
  2. Fruits and Veggies Supplement – 90 Fruit and 90 Vegetable Capsules – 100% Whole Natural Superfood – Filled with Vitamins and Minerals – Supports Energy Levels (3 Pack)
  3. Fruits and Veggies Supplement – 90 Fruit and 90 Vegetable Capsules – 100% Whole Natural Superfood – Filled with Vitamins and Minerals – Supports Energy Levels (5 Pack)
  4. Nature Fruits and Veggies/Vitamins Supplements Dietary Nutritional Balance 90 Fruit and 90 Veggie Capsules-(Pack of 2)

Here’s a breakdown of their key features:

Feature Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4
Brand Balance of Nature Just Ripe Nutrition Just Ripe Nutrition Horjoy
Capsules 90 Capsules, 3 Sets 90 Fruit & 90 Vegetable (3 Pack) 90 Fruit & 90 Vegetable (5 Pack) 90 Fruit & 90 Vegetable (2 Pack)
Ingredients Only Fruits and Veggies Only Fruits and Veggies Only Fruits and Veggies Only Fruits and Veggies
Primary Fruits Aloe Vera, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Elderberry, Cherry, Cranberry, Grape, etc. Aloe Vera, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Elderberry, Cherry, Cranberry, Grape, etc. Aloe Vera, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Elderberry, Cherry, Cranberry, Grape, etc. More than 30+ Fruits, mixed with up-to-date drying technology
Primary Veggies Broccoli, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peppered Celery, Kale, Shiitake, etc. Broccoli, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pepper, Celery, Kale, Shiitake, etc. Broccoli, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pepper, Celery, Kale, Shiitake, etc. Broccoli, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, and others
Antioxidants Support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energy Support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dietry Suitability Vegan, Free from Artificial Additives, Harsh Chemicals Vegan, Free from Artificial Additives, Harsh Chemicals Vegan, Free from Artificial Additives, Harsh Chemicals All-natural, Free from added sugars, fillers, preservatives, synthetics
Formulated For Women, Men, and Kids Women, Men, and Kids Women, Men, and Kids All Ages
Made In Not specified Not specified Not specified USA
Extra Benefits Supports better sleep, guarantees 30-day satisfaction
Third-Party Testing Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Yes, GMP certified

Recap: Highlights and Differences

  • Quantity and Packaging:

    • Balance of Nature: Comes in 3 sets with a total of 90 capsules.
    • Just Ripe Nutrition: Offers packages of 3-pack and 5-pack, each with 90 fruit and 90 vegetable capsules.
    • Horjoy: Provided in a 2-pack with 90 fruit and 90 vegetable capsules. Made in a GMP certified facility.
  • Ingredients:

    • All products emphasize whole fruits and vegetables. Specifics differ slightly, with Horjoy mentioning more than 30+ fruits and vegetables processed with advanced drying technology.
  • Dietary Suitability:

    • All products are vegan and free from artificial additives. However, Horjoy also emphasizes no added sugars, fillers, preservatives, or synthetics. It also specifically promotes better sleep.
  • Target Age Group:

    • While Balance of Nature and Just Ripe Nutrition target women, men, and kids, Horjoy highlights suitability for all ages from kids to seniors.
  • Production Standards:

    • Horjoy is the only product that mentions being made in a GMP-certified facility in the USA, adding a layer of trust regarding quality standards.

While all these products are fantastic options to help you meet your daily nutritional needs, the Horjoy Veggies and Fruits Capsules stand out for their additional benefits like better sleep support and comprehensive production standards. Choose the one that aligns best with your lifestyle and needs!

Conclusion of Product Review


If you’re looking to boost your daily intake of fruits and vegetables in a convenient and natural way, the “Balance of Nature Whole Food Nutritional Supplement” and its variants present promising options. These products promise to deliver essential vitamins and minerals through 100% whole natural superfoods, catering to women, men, and kids alike.

Key Benefits

  • Whole Natural Ingredients: All four products maintain their commitment to using 100% whole natural superfoods.
  • Convenient Nutritional Boost: They offer an easy way to increase your daily intake of fruits and veggies without the hassle of meal prep.
  • Support for Energy Levels: Each option claims to support and potentially enhance your energy levels through natural means.


Despite their many benefits, these products do come with some minor drawbacks:

  1. Cost: They can be a bit pricey compared to other similar supplements in the market.
  2. Capsule Count: Depending on your dosage, you might find yourself consuming a significant number of capsules daily.
  3. Taste and Texture: Some users have reported that the taste and texture of the capsules can be less than pleasant, albeit they are typically swallowed quickly.


For busy individuals and families who struggle to incorporate sufficient fruits and vegetables into their diets, these supplements could offer a convenient and nutritious alternative. They are particularly useful for those with demanding schedules or who prefer whole food supplements over synthetic options.

Consider the 3-Pack or 5-Pack options if you want to commit to a longer-term supply and potentially save on costs per serving. Conversely, if you are new to this brand or similar products, starting with the standard 90 capsule variants can be a good way to test their benefits and see how they fit into your routine.

In conclusion, with their focus on natural ingredients and the convenience they offer, these supplements could be a welcome addition to your daily health regime. While there are minor drawbacks to consider, the potential benefits for your energy levels and nutritional balance make them worth exploring.

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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